Blog Overview
Give Your Heart Room to Breathe
It's all about the Heart! It has been said in Chinese medicine, 'the Heart houses the Mind', therefore balancing the energy of the heart can have a big impact on the mind.
Calm Your Nervous System for Summer Ease
Summer and the Fire Element are full of manifestation! The fun, freedom and abundance of summer. Summer's energy is joyfully moving out in all directions. This is wonderful, and… it can be a little much sometimes!
End of School Year Transitions - Support Yourself with Energy Exercises
I am flowing with the seasons, honoring and aligning with the cycles of life. These cycles are present in nature, energy and within each of us. With each ending follows a new beginning. This is the flow of energy. For me this awareness and using Energy Medicine practices makes the ‘letting go’ part of the endings and the ‘embracing the new’ part of the beginnings process a little bit easier.
Hot Flashes - Burning Off What You No Longer Need
In this interview with Amy Landolt of Northshore Acupuncture Center — Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Advanced Practitioner, Beth Lynch will likely change your perspective on hot flashes. How to shift your mindset of what you’ve been told about menopause and energetic techniques to help balance your energy and decrease hot flashes.
The Month of May - A Time of Endings & Beginnings, Tending to your Heart
This is the time of endings and beginnings! Close of the school year, graduations, and the beginning of summer! Spring has that immense forward movement of energy & Summer has the energy of flourishing and flowering!
Screw This! How to Process Emotions (Video Interview)
We are all experiencing some over the top emotions right now. If we repress them or feed them with our thoughts, it impacts the quality of our sleep, among many other things! In this discussion with Amy Landolt of Northshore Acupuncture Center—Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Practitioner, Beth Lynch, demonstrates energy techniques to directly access the energetics to feel and process your anger, fear and/or panic.
What Does Being Grounded Even Mean?
In energy speak, it is about grounding your body’s electrical energy, and allowing the natural flow of energy into and through our body. All that stress builds up in your body and when you are not energetically grounded there is excess energy building and it bounces right back up into your system if you are not grounded, like we are shocking ourselves!
Spring Cleaning for Your Energies
We are affected by environmental energy and there is a whole lot of energy moving right now, in addition to the Equinox, among other things, we have the Sun and New Moon in Aires (2023) - which is like jet fuel for your goals and aspirations! It's kinda like a new year, so THIS is the time for your new year’s resolutions, carve a new path, or start something new, you'll have a lot more momentum behind you during this time.
Radiant Circuits - Your Glow!
One of the best ways I know how to pick myself up when feeling low doing some Radiant Circuit energy work! It's very easy and can also help with overcoming habits or negativity.
Triple Warmer Holds Your Stress Response
Your energy is on your side. Working really hard to keep you safe. Sometimes it needs help finding its natural rhythm again...
How to Get More Balance and Flow in Your System with Crossovers
Energy runs in patterns. The crossover pattern is a foundational and essential one for a vital, healthy, happy self. Healing is all about the Figure 8. Every energy system in your body has a crossover figure 8 pattern present. This pattern enhances connection and carries essential information within your body...
Your Aura is for Protection AND Connection
You have this amazing protective and connective field around you called your Aura! You can strengthen your aura which will help you feel: more confident and protected, better boundaries, and stronger and more grounded.
Shift the Stress in Your Body for Hormonal Balance
You have amazing energy pulsing through your body that can be mapped out in an energetic anatomy. Your energy systems are designed for you to thrive and adapt to all the changes in your world. Your body wants to heal itself!...
The Aura - Your Energetic Layer of Protection
The energy of the aura provides a layer of protection for us along with helping us with beneficial connections. It is the energy field that surrounds your physical body, your boundary, your sacred container...
Hormones Have a Huge Role in How We Feel
Are you feeling like you've lost that spring in your step? Do you keep circling the same issues related to your overall hormone imbalance? Hormones have a huge role in how we feel. How about bloating, weight gain, irritability, sleep disruptions, lack of passion, foggy headed and we all know there are so many more...
How to Ground Using the Body’s Neurovascular Points
Our instincts and true nature is our energy...your body knows how to do this! One of the easiest stress relievers in Eden Energy Medicine connects to the 'Oh my God' points: You lightly place your fingertips on your forehead and thumbs on your temples.
What Inspires You? Shift Your Energy to Find Out!
You don’t need to be different or become ‘a creative person’. You have a unique nature that belongs to you and just expressing that is part of your creativity. You don’t have to worry about ‘doing it right’ because there is no ‘right way’. You are free to express yourself.
The Power of Women Coming Together
"Somewhere, a circle of hands will open to receive us, eyes will light up as we enter, voices will celebrate with us whenever we come into our own power..." - Starhawk, The Spiral Dance
“Your Mind is an Instrument, Don’t Let it Play You”
Read that quote again, right? That's how I felt when I came across it several years ago. You have so much power and you don't want to use it against yourself! It's easy to do when you are trying to fit into a specific mold of what you think you should be...
Who’s In Charge of Your Energy? - Spleen Meridian and Self Nurturance
The queen energy meridian of nurturing in our body is the Spleen meridian, AKA ‘The Mother of the Body’. How helpful to know that we can work with this energy system to help build this muscle of taking care of ourselves!