Spring Cleaning for Your Energies

"...You don't have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees for
A hundred miles in the desert
You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves."

~Mary Oliver

That quote is a shout out to all the ladies.

We don't always have to 'earn it', we can simply receive the nourishment that we need.

Take a deep breath.

Start to ponder what the 'soft animal of your body' loves...

Maybe your body is already feeling the shifting in energy towards spring. The Spring Equinox is here, the day of the equal balance of light and darkness, and the movement from the inward energy of Winter to the outward energy of Spring. Starting to see the emergence of green from the ground and buds on the trees! The energy is rising and opening up!

We are affected by environmental energy and there is a whole lot of energy moving right now, in addition to the Equinox, among other things, we have the Sun and New Moon in Aires (2023) - which is like jet fuel for your goals and aspirations! It's kinda like a new year, so THIS is the time for your new year’s resolutions, carve a new path, or start something new, you'll have a lot more momentum  behind you during this time.

You are powerful beyond what your mind tells you… Work to choose where you are directing your thoughts and desires, everything has a vibration and 'like attracts like"--that's resonance in action! Your energies want to support you in every way.

The energy of Spring is associated with the Wood Element and highlight these areas:

  • Purification {Spring Cleaning} What do you need to get rid of?

  • Focus {Planning , Decisions, Manifestation) How is your staying power of your focus for your vision for yourself?

  • Flexibility {Grounded, Movement without breaking} Do you have enough roots to sustain your growth?

  • Persistence {New Growth, Taking Action} What structure do you need to put in place to take on new challenges?

  • Anger {Catalyst for Change} What do I need to change? What am I afraid to change? How are my boundaries?

Balancing your energy related to Spring can help in any of these areas and how they impact your emotions, your relationships, your life!

Maybe you are in need of a breath of fresh air this Spring..for renewal of your own desires. There is so much we can manifest when we focus our attention and create space for it!

This is a great Spring energy exercise — creating more space!

Clear your field of anything that has collected –  shame, embarrassment, irritation, anger...some spring cleaning for your energies! 


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