Shift the Stress in Your Body for Hormonal Balance

“Maintaining a healthy energy field is a powerful strategy for maintaining health and preventing illness.” - Donna Eden, Energy Medicine for Women

As women we can feel like the diesel fuel that always keeps working to get everything taken care of.  

When we feel overwhelmed and unbalanced, even the small things can seem like too much...

This may leave you feeling...depleted, spinning your wheels, worn out, or a heaviness from taking on and carrying everyone else's stuff!

Maybe with all of this you aren't feeling like yourself and you don't know where to start?  

You have amazing energy pulsing through your body that can be mapped out in an energetic anatomy.  

Your energy systems are designed for you to thrive and adapt to all the changes in your world.

Your body wants to heal itself!

In Eden Energy Medicine, there are 9 Energy Systems (Meridians, Triple Warmer, Aura, Chakras, Radiant Circuits, Five Rhythms, Electrics, Celtic Weave, Basic Grid) that are all interconnected and each plays a role in how we feel.  

Imbalance within our body and hormones can be traced to our subtle energy systems. 

For instance, the constant stress in our lives also knocks our hormones out of balance, working with the energy system of the Adrenal glands (Triple Warmer) you can shift the gears of your hormonal state for more calm and ease. Yes! 

Learning how to work with your own system can shift you to a more whole, centered, grounded, and empowered feeling.  

Shift the stress in your body for more hormonal balance! Give yourself a few minutes do to this one. See how you feel...


Your Aura is for Protection AND Connection


The Aura - Your Energetic Layer of Protection