End of School Year Transitions - Support Yourself with Energy Exercises

School Is Out!

Here we are at the end of a school year and the beginning of summer. For all the mamas out there, this is a big transition time!  To me it’s a marker of my kids getting yet another year older and timing whizzing by.  I used to feel really sad, guilty and self-critical this time of year—thinking to myself: ‘I haven’t done enough as a mom’ or ‘I wasn’t present enough for my kids’. I would get crabby, short tempered with my family and what was really going on was I felt really panicked inside—thinking ‘how am I messing up this part of my life that I hold most dear?’  Super tough on myself, I know.  Through this process I wasn’t showing up for myself or my family in the way I really wanted to.  Can anyone relate?  

Cycles of Life

I am flowing with the seasons, honoring and aligning with the cycles of life.  These cycles are present in nature, energy and within each of us.  With each ending follows a new beginning. This is the flow of energy.  For me this awareness and using Energy Medicine practices makes the ‘letting go’ part of the endings and the ‘embracing the new’ part of the beginnings process a little bit easier.  It feels lighter, less baggage from the past = more presence in the moment.  So I can actually experience the progression of my kids growing up instead of feeling like I missed it all.

Kindness Matters – To Yourself!

Additionally, I’m just way more kind to myself.  This has been and continues to be a practice of a shift in perspective, more of my Warrior Goddess self gleaming through. Being able to be present with gentleness with myself through the good parts AND the parts I don’t like about myself or where I royally screw up.  Plus I am doing much less of comparing myself to others.  Lots of self-observation allowed me to see how toxic comparison was for me. So instead, I am practicing honoring myself and others and focusing what is important to me and making those choices and moving forward. Refreshing!

Energy Exercises for Transitions


Calm Your Nervous System for Summer Ease


Hot Flashes - Burning Off What You No Longer Need