Blog Overview
Embrace a New Way of Living with Strength and Flexibility
When exploring a new way of living, we need strength to show up and flexibility to 'adjust the sails' when needed. And importantly, we need to be kind to ourselves and stay on our own side.
Claim Your Space & Relate to Others with Compassion (Aura)
Your energetic container — the space around your body, your aura — is your protection and connection to those around you. When we forget to claim and strengthen our energetic container, we can feel emotionally triggered, drained, and irritable toward others. I invite you to give yourself 4 minutes to claim your energetic container.
How to Move Stuck Energy when Dealing with Transitions
Depending on how our energy systems are flowing, we can either approach obstacles feeling blocked and stagnant, or open and expansive. This can feel like there is no way out or it can be asking yourself a curious question, "What is this obstacle about?"
Energy Medicine for Hormone Balance
Summer is full of spontaneity and that flow can be exciting and fun, but not if you are feeling all kinds of symptoms from fatigue, mood swings to brain fog or irritability. It could be riding the normal ups and downs of life. But if hormonal imbalance is involved the ride can feel wild, out of control and really unpleasant! BOTH men and women deal with hormone imbalances, from stress hormones to reproductive hormones!
Re-establish Safety and Calm from the Inside Out
During a time of great change, such as when we all went through COVID, or any time of transition in life, we may not be able to easily look externally for safety. But we can always start from the inside out. I invite you to give yourself 7 minutes to find that unwavering grounding within.
Energy Medicine for Releasing Stress
Our energy systems are on our side. We develop adaptations to survive and feel safe. Working with your energy systems is about re-patterning your energies and opening up space for healthy patterns to reform so you can feel better inside and out. Your body knows how to do this!
Ways to Process Shock Energetically in the Body
When shock is not properly processed, emotions (energy in motion) can get stuck in our bodies...and can manifest as physical or emotional symptoms later. So, how can we start to release this locked energy and emotions and bring our system back into balance?
Energy Medicine for Better Sleep
Energetically there are several things that can help with getting to sleep. Energy that is not grounded or all up in our head can contribute to insomnia. Also just the accumulation of energy throughout the day can impact us feeling busy and full, making it difficult to settle down and get some shut eye.
Screw This! How to Process Emotions (Video Interview)
We are all experiencing some over the top emotions right now. If we repress them or feed them with our thoughts, it impacts the quality of our sleep, among many other things! In this discussion with Amy Landolt of Northshore Acupuncture Center—Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Practitioner, Beth Lynch, demonstrates energy techniques to directly access the energetics to feel and process your anger, fear and/or panic.