Beth Lynch, EEM-AP, RN
About Roots & Wings Energy
Beth Lynch, EEM-AP, RN
Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner
Certified Warrior Goddess Facilitator
Registered Nurse
As a nurse specializing in Oncology, Palliative Care, and Hospice, I have long embraced and appreciated a comprehensive approach to health and wellbeing, focusing on whole-person care. My nursing experience instilled in me the importance of addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs during life's transitions.
Inspired by holistic healing, I discovered Eden Energy Medicine (EEM), which integrates various ancient healing traditions. After completing a 4-year training to become an Advanced Practitioner, I combined my nursing background with EEM's insights. I am continuously expanding my understanding of energy and healing by taking continuing education classes. This journey has empowered me personally to boost my immunity, shift negative thoughts, protect my energy and much more.
Additionally, HeatherAsh Amara's Warrior Goddess work, based on The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz, helped transform self-criticism into self-compassion. Through energy, awareness, and a supportive community, I’ve learned to let go of perfectionism and embrace a more supportive view of myself. These teachings now empower my work with clients.
I guide people in reconnecting with their energy, uncovering links between physical symptoms, emotions, and life events. Through Energy Medicine and Warrior Goddess, we follow the energy without judgment, fostering acceptance and an empowered healing path. I welcome you to engage in this work by scheduling an Energy Session, attending a Retreat, or booking a Class for your studio, group, or workplace.
Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner - Phoenix, AZ, Naperville, IL, London, UK
Certified Warrior Goddess Facilitator (by HeatherAsh Amara)
Adult Nurse Practitioner, Masters in Nursing - University of Washington-Seattle
Registered Nurse, Bachelor of Science in Nursing - University of Wisconsin-Madison

“She educated me on the aspects of the energy work which helped me truly understand why the energy sessions are so important for good health, both physical and spiritual.”
“Her work has helped me in so many ways, mostly in the areas of calming my mind and helping me manage daily stress, grief and anxiety.”
“Energy medicine truly meets me wherever I am at and supports me in exactly what I need in the moment.”
What are you ready to heal?
Energy Medicine meets you exactly where you are, a reminder that you and your energy are sacred. Restoring balance to your energy systems has a powerful impact on your functioning and well-being, helping you shift whatever you are ready to shift.
You can positively influence your physical health, relationships, work and everyday interactions by caring for your energy body and holding yourself as a sacred being.
As an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner and Certified Warrior Goddess Facilitator, I weave together potent energy healing practices with teachings that empower you in your healing and your life. Together, we support, connect, and balance your energies to clear blocks and create ease in your mind and body.
Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) is based on techniques from multiple traditions that have been recognized for thousands of years, such as Acupuncture, Shamanism, Reiki, Touch for Health, and Reflexology. It was developed by Donna Eden, a pioneer and master healer in the Energy Medicine field.
Donna’s story is remarkable. As a young woman, she healed herself from multiple health issues, including Multiple Sclerosis, allergies, and a heart condition, by teaching herself how to work with her own energy. Since then, she has healed thousands of clients, written "Energy Medicine: Balancing Your Body’s Energies for Optimal Health, Joy, and Vitality" and several other books with her husband, David Feinstein, and has been teaching internationally for over 30 years. Today, she is as vibrant as can be!
What’s great about EEM is that it takes ancient healing techniques and makes them very accessible. You can be empowered to learn the functions of your energy and how to balance it. Learn more about Energy Medicine Sessions.
EEM works with 9 different energy systems - balancing and restoring how they connect and weave together.
The Meridian System consists of energy pathways or channels that run through the body, influencing organs and physiological systems.
Chakras are pools or swirling disks of energy, situated along the spine. There are 7 major chakras that influence organs in their proximity and the endocrine system. Chakras also encode all of our experiences.
The Aura, also called ‘the biofield’, is energy that surrounds our entire body, protects us from disruptive or toxic energy, and connects us with beneficial energy.
Radiant Circuits, also called Extraordinary Vessels in Chinese Medicine, are our ‘glow from within’. This is our most ancient energy system, fueling and supplying all other energy systems.
Triple Warmer is our external protector system, impacting our survival or fight/flight/freeze response. It also governs our immune system and our habits of any kind.
The Celtic Weave is the interconnected web of our energies. It consists of crossover patterns that create the container for all your energies, internally and externally.
The Five Rhythms are based on ancient Chinese Medicine: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal. This model reflects the underlying pulse of energy that influences seasons, cycles and your body.
The Electrics are the most dense energy system. This system helps charge and connect the cells, organs, and all other energy systems at an electrical level, influencing (and being influenced by) the heart and nervous system.
The Basic Grid is the foundation of our energy system. Embedded deep in the body, this matrix or grid pattern is the base that supports all other energy systems.
Warrior Goddess, created by Heather Ash Amara and based on the teachings from The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, embodies a fierce yet nurturing spirit. It’s a powerful process of finding inner freedom by working with perceptions and agreements that affect our energy and way of being in the world. This work helps us navigate life’s challenges, both past and present, with courage and grace.
Aren’t we all looking to get free? Free from health challenges, restrictive patterns, negative self-talk—anything that holds us back from accessing the gifts within us.
Warrior Goddess work can bring more balance to your being by softening rigid edges, easing the difficulties of change, and allowing for more connection and empowerment. With practice, it can support areas that feel tired or disconnected and strengthen the energetic structure of your whole self.
We are changing the paradigm from being last on your list to prioritizing your sacred self. Let’s shift the lens from caretaking, perfectionism, and ‘doing it all’ to inner awareness, compassionate guidance, and flow for what you want more of in life. Are you seeking more peace, compassion, love, and inspiration?
Together, we build self-trust, self-awareness, and self-love, helping you feel grounded and resilient for what life brings. Being your own ally and not going against yourself is powerful medicine on this journey. We are all unique and have gifts to be honored and shared—and it starts with honoring ourselves.
The Warrior Goddess journey is about learning to befriend yourself and work with your own flow. It’s about increasing your awareness (without judgment) and recognizing where there may be imbalances or patterns that cause you to lose energy—and how to shift things to regain your vitality. This powerful work is for everyone, as we all have these energies within us.
Warrior energy embodies complete focus, dedication, purpose, and determination. When we harness our Warrior energy, we are confident, clear, and bring 100% of ourselves to each action.
Goddess energy represents openness, flow, fun, play, unconditional love, pleasure, passion, and wisdom. When we claim our Goddess energy, we live in joyful self-acceptance and self-respect, and we listen to our inner sacred voice.