Blog Overview
The Power of Women Coming Together
"Somewhere, a circle of hands will open to receive us, eyes will light up as we enter, voices will celebrate with us whenever we come into our own power..." - Starhawk, The Spiral Dance
“Your Mind is an Instrument, Don’t Let it Play You”
Read that quote again, right? That's how I felt when I came across it several years ago. You have so much power and you don't want to use it against yourself! It's easy to do when you are trying to fit into a specific mold of what you think you should be...
How Are You Giving Your Energy Away?
Now I see it everywhere... Energy drains come in many forms. One way I realized I was giving my energy away was trying to make everyone happy. When I really became aware of this, I started to notice how much of a pattern I had created in many areas of my life. Omg!...
Warrior Goddess Wisdom
Warrior energy is our focus, drive, and determination. When we claim our warrior energy we are confident, clear, and bring our whole self to action. Goddess energy is our creativity, flow, and compassion. When we claim our Goddess energy we live with joy, flow, wisdom, self acceptance and love.