Energy Medicine for Better Sleep

Are you getting enough sleep? Do you find it difficult to fall asleep? 

Summer is full of activity and everyone needs a different amount of sleep to feel well rested, do you allow yourself the opportunity to get enough sleep? Or you'd like to but having trouble getting there?  

There are many benefits to the body from good sleep:

  • Time to heal, repair and replenish the body

  • Build immunity

  • Sharpen your brain

  • Level out your mood

  • Heart healthy

  • Steadier blood sugar

  • Able to cope more easily with life stressors

Energetically there are several things that can help with getting to sleep.  Energy that is not grounded or all up in our head can contribute to insomnia. Also just the accumulation of energy throughout the day can impact us feeling busy and full, making it difficult to settle down and get some shut eye. 

In this video, I discuss and demonstrate easy energy techniques you can do as you are going to bed to help make it easier to fall asleep and have a restful night!

  • Energy Clearing (standing, before you climb into bed)

  • Grounding and calming exercises (sitting on your bed)

  • Relaxing the mind and body before sleep (laying down in bed)

  • + a helpful breathing technique at the end!

You can choose to do any part of this sequence! Do the parts that resonate with you.


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