Ways to Process Shock Energetically in the Body

Anytime you feel an upheaval in your world you can have a sense of shock and destabilization.

When shock is not properly processed, emotions (energy in motion) can get stuck in our bodies...and can manifest as physical or emotional symptoms later. So, how can we start to release this locked energy and emotions and bring our system back into balance?

I invite you to give yourself 5 minutes to help you process and stabilize. Follow along with me for this Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) sequence.

If you like mantras, this one may be helpful with this energy sequence either spoken aloud or silently in your mind,  'Release the grip, feel the breath'. Or use whatever resonates with you to bring calm to your system. Using your breath with the exercise brings it to a deeper level. 

Join me in this video.

“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.”

Albert Szent-Györgyi, Nobel Literature in Medicine


Energy Medicine for Releasing Stress


Energy Medicine for Better Sleep