Re-establish Safety and Calm from the Inside Out

One of our most primal needs as humans is to feel safe. 

During a time of great change, such as when we all went through COVID, or any time of transition in life, we may not be able to easily look externally for safety. But we can always start from the inside out.

I invite you to give yourself 7 minutes to find that unwavering grounding within. Amidst uncertain conditions, working with your own energy with Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) techniques can help you to calm stress and reconnect to your needs and sense of security.

Your body and energy are both on your side working to adapt and adjust to what is happening.  If you like mantras you can try, 'I am here now' or 'I am finding new stability' with these exercises. Join me in this video.

“The more willing you are to surrender to the energy within you, the more power can flow through you.”

Shakti Gawain


Energy Medicine for Hormone Balance


Energy Medicine for Releasing Stress