Claim Your Space & Relate to Others with Compassion (Aura)

Your energetic container — the space around your body, your aura — is your protection and connection to those around you.

When we forget to claim and strengthen our energetic container, we can feel emotionally triggered, drained, and irritable toward others.

I invite you to give yourself 4 minutes to claim your energetic container. In this video, we clear the aura of any outside energies, and then build strength and resilience in your field. It's in this space that it's easier to have compassion for others.

Through your day you can also visualize your protective bubble around you, giving it a color that gives you power or if you like mantras try, 'I release what I do not need, I am protected and supported'. Join me in this video!

“Take responsibility for the energy you bring.”

Jill Bolte Taylor


Energy Medicine for Living Heart Centered


Grounding Techniques to Actually Be Present