Blog Category / Discover Your Energy Systems
Blog / Discover Your Energy Systems
Blog Category / Discover Your Energy Systems
One of the best ways I know how to pick myself up when feeling low doing some Radiant Circuit energy work! It's very easy and can also help with overcoming habits or negativity.
Your energy is on your side. Working really hard to keep you safe. Sometimes it needs help finding its natural rhythm again...
Energy runs in patterns. The crossover pattern is a foundational and essential one for a vital, healthy, happy self. Healing is all about the Figure 8. Every energy system in your body has a crossover figure 8 pattern present. This pattern enhances connection and carries essential information within your body...
You have this amazing protective and connective field around you called your Aura! You can strengthen your aura which will help you feel: more confident and protected, better boundaries, and stronger and more grounded.
The energy of the aura provides a layer of protection for us along with helping us with beneficial connections. It is the energy field that surrounds your physical body, your boundary, your sacred container...
Our instincts and true nature is our energy...your body knows how to do this! One of the easiest stress relievers in Eden Energy Medicine connects to the 'Oh my God' points: You lightly place your fingertips on your forehead and thumbs on your temples.
The queen energy meridian of nurturing in our body is the Spleen meridian, AKA ‘The Mother of the Body’. How helpful to know that we can work with this energy system to help build this muscle of taking care of ourselves!