Energy of the New Year - Replenish Your Precious Reserves

No action on resolutions quite yet…

Even though it's 'routine' to make new year’s resolutions and act on them right now, it's a bit against the energetic grain.

Winter is a time of pause, rest, reflection, dreaming... 

Here at the turning of January, the gateway of the new year, we have a chance to reflect on where we have been and where we are going.

Dream up all of the possibilities, potential, and ideas--what do you want to 'feed' more energy to in your life?

Right now Nature is dormant, hibernating, very still, most activity is underground.  The seed is collecting all the nutrients to sprout up in the Spring (that's the time to take action on the ideas you come up with now!)

So you can be in the flow with nature and spend more time with your feet up! Especially if you are feeling worn out, overworked, extra stressed, use the energy of the Winter season to replenish your precious reserves of energy.

Try this winter balancing energy exercise.


Warrior Goddess Wisdom


Energy of The New Year - A Clear Mind