Energy Moves in Cycles
“Life can change in a blink. Forgive often. Love more.”
Sign at farmer's market
I stopped and teared up when I saw that sign at the market this summer. It felt like a reminder of the bird's eye view of life, to allow, to be, to breathe and let go. We keep so much energy locked up with our habitual patterns. Letting go, so simple, but not always easy...
As we approach the Fall Equinox next week, the energy of balance, equal amount of light and dark. It is a time to take a pause, look back at summer and take stock, how are things going for you?
Where are the places you are happy about or you've been proud of yourself? (Celebrate! This helps the brain remember the good stuff!). Where are the places you would like to shift, where can you loosen the grip?
As we bid farewell to Summer and hello to Fall energy you can give yourself a brief pause, a chance to renew yourself before moving forward as the wheel of year keeps moving.
The nature of Fall energy allows for the harvest, what we'd like to keep, and the energy of release, removing the excess, what needs to be given up. You have the movement of natural energy of the season to support you in letting go.
Transitional times of year can be challenging as the energy is shifting. Even though it's a fact everything must eventually change, the truth is I've always struggled in transitions, resisting change somehow and looking for solid ground. This awareness gives space for more compassion, presence and openness through the process of transformation.
My wish for you is to allow yourself your own process with change, feel your presence, grounding, maybe in new ways, as you ride the shift of the seasons.
Having trouble with transitions or change?
Guess what, we are not on a linear achievement path like we are taught.
Energy moves in cycles. The seasons are the best illustration. This map of the cycles of nature and how they relate to the Chinese 5 Elements can help shape a refreshing view of life. Plus it helps to know where we are on the map!
At the end of a cycle, there is always the beginning of the next one.
Resisting Change or Feeling stuck?
Use this energy sequence for steadiness as we transition through the seasons (or any change!).