Back to the Softness of Your Own Heart in the Heat of Summer
How's it going for you?
Feels like summer is taking that turn. Even though the light shifted back in June on Summer Solstice, it now feels like summer has whipped by and is slowly coming to a close. Plus the sense of the first day of school being around the corner.
There has certainly been a lot happening in the world this summer (2022) that may produce sensations of heartache, grief, anger, despair.
All of these emotions (especially repeatedly) are hard on the Heart and can cause armoring.
As Pema Chodron writes, 'When we protect ourselves so we won't feel pain, that protection becomes like armor, like armor that imprisons the softness of the heart.'
Balancing Heart Meridian in the Fire Element of Summer can bring you back to the softness of your own heart and have a great benefit to your whole system.
Use the rest of the summer to honor yourself right where you are. It's the best kind of support you can give yourself. Pause to nurture that unique light within you, take a moment for full breath and even some energy work.
Here is a recap of all the summer videos, plus an extra one with 5 different ways to balance Heart energy.
Here's to honoring your heart one day at a time. See which exercise feels the best to you!