Connect to the Water Within You
Winter is that blanket of snow that can calm everything down and be so peaceful. Surrounded by quietness we are more able to access our inner depths. This slowing down that is presented in the natural world is counter to mainstream culture of production and results. The way we slow down will look different for each of us, we are all unique!
This inward movement can be reflective and restorative and can also be isolating and lonely. It’s funny how sometimes we can feel lonely even when surrounded by loving people. Or maybe we deliberately isolate or disconnect because it’s all too much.
Connection is so basic to our human needs and each person will need different amounts. I’ve found connecting within myself first, allows for more authentic connection to others. How can we feed connection to that which restores our well being?
Energy flow is all about connection. All the connections (or disconnections) in the body relate to how we feel.
Winter season is related to the Water Element in Chinese Medicine.
Connecting to the Winter/Water energy has a direct link to how much energy we feel we have. Water energy is our flow in life, holds our reserves of energy and has the power to cleanse and purify.
This Element is comprised of the Kidney and Bladder meridians. Each meridian governs different aspects of us and working with these energies can influence these traits. We are made up of 3/4 water, so there’s quite a bit of influence there!
Nourishing these energy pathways helps revitalize us, balance our fears, and restore our courage and hope, and much more.
Aligning with the Winter/Water Energy paves the way for connection to the rich well inside of you that houses your will and deepest wisdom. We all want more connection to that!!